Archive | October 2008

Creepy Video – Coda

bad-ass goblin break dancing courtesy of the Chemical Brothers [“Midnight Madness”]


Creepy Video – Coda

bad-ass goblin break dancing courtesy of the Chemical Brothers [“Midnight Madness”]


sunset blvd.

[Pacific! – “Sunset Blvd.”]

Here’s the endorsement from Blender magazine:
These two Swedish synth cads couldn’t have paid better tribute to Cali-pop beach mythology if they’d worn Hollywood High halter tops and whistled “God Only Knows” while doing key bumps:

#1 on this date in 1980

Thanks, Bee Gees…
[Barbra Streisand – “Woman in Love”]

Creepy Videos – Finale (Mother/Daddy)

So in honor of Halloween… are two videos that belong in the Hall of Fame.
The Knife’s “We share our mother’s health” was directed by Japanese animator Motomichi Nakamura who described the project as follows: “This was definitely one of the best projects that I have worked on. The band gave me full creative freedom. One of the film’s concepts was to express pain in suggestive ways. Funny thing is that coincidently I had undergone nasal and septal surgery at the beginning of the project, and because of that I was in pain and my nose was still bleeding during the first two weeks of production. Well, anyways enjoy the film!” –

 And then we have Chris Cunningham’s video for Aphex Twin’s “Come to Daddy.” The director superimposes band founder Richard James’ face onto a band of murderous children.  (The scariest stuff is around Minute 4). I’ll be impressed if you can get through it. Impressive filmmaking/difficult to stomach. Enjoy!

Creepy Video #4

Here’s one for the hipsters who like bands with terrible names, i.e. all of us!
More 80s inflected electro-rock. Good track though.
[does it offend you, yeah “dawn of the dead”]

that darn thing’s been disabled…

here’s the song:

Fame Ball

So last night’s “Fame Ball”- celebrating the releasing of Lady Ga Ga’s new album, The Fame- was ridiculously fun. Performances were by a who’s who of gay New York – Cazwell (rapping in bedazzled gold hoodies), Amanda Lepore (a hip-hop “I know what boys like” that I could’ve done without), Semi Precious Weapons …. And the crowd was a healthy mix of young gays, straight couples, music industry types, and random weirdos. A refreshing mix in our often heavily fragmented city.
And Lady Ga Ga gave it…she’s working this hyper-80s, hyper-aware, pseudo Warhol/Madonna angle. And in addition to throwing down some fun pop tunes she’s (critiquing? embracing?) society’s obsession with fame and attention. Towards the end of the show, she dove into the crowd, heavy metal style, and then, when it was time to go, she refused to leave, crawling to the front of the stage saying “they love me” until she was eventually pulled off stage by her dancers. Fun!
She gave us only a half hour. But, frankly, that’s all the album can really support. All in all, a fun night.
Here’s an interview with her where she lists her inspirations for the album as basically drugs and fashion.
And here’s her most recent single [“Pokerface”] which isn’t as good as “Just Dance” but is still fun.

And this stripped down version is even better:


Chantix, the smoking cessation medication proved relatively succesful for me: curbing my smoking from intermittent to infrequent to rare. But I eventually stopped taking the drug because of it’s Wes Craven on acid side effects. The nightmares were intense! But perhaps it’s time to go back on the pill to set me right as I now seem to be back to my old habits. Frustrating.

 I blame AMC’s “Mad Men.”
Now If only I knew how to make an “old fashioned.”

Creepy Video #3

BMX bikes and Haloween masks. Scary.

 Bat for lashes – “What’s A Girl To Do”


Creepy Music Video #2

Here’s something for a Monday morning jolt. This one’s the stuff of nightmares. Directed by Chris Cunningham who has worked with Bjork, Aphex Twin (and even Madonna in the relatively subdued “Frozen”). And yes, that’s Samantha Morten playing Sheena.
[The Horrors – Sheena is a Parasite]