Fame Ball

So last night’s “Fame Ball”- celebrating the releasing of Lady Ga Ga’s new album, The Fame- was ridiculously fun. Performances were by a who’s who of gay New York – Cazwell (rapping in bedazzled gold hoodies), Amanda Lepore (a hip-hop “I know what boys like” that I could’ve done without), Semi Precious Weapons …. And the crowd was a healthy mix of young gays, straight couples, music industry types, and random weirdos. A refreshing mix in our often heavily fragmented city.
And Lady Ga Ga gave it…she’s working this hyper-80s, hyper-aware, pseudo Warhol/Madonna angle. And in addition to throwing down some fun pop tunes she’s (critiquing? embracing?) society’s obsession with fame and attention. Towards the end of the show, she dove into the crowd, heavy metal style, and then, when it was time to go, she refused to leave, crawling to the front of the stage saying “they love me” until she was eventually pulled off stage by her dancers. Fun!
She gave us only a half hour. But, frankly, that’s all the album can really support. All in all, a fun night.
Here’s an interview with her where she lists her inspirations for the album as basically drugs and fashion.
And here’s her most recent single [“Pokerface”] which isn’t as good as “Just Dance” but is still fun.

And this stripped down version is even better:

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Music Supervisor for HUNTING SEASON http://huntingseason.tv/music Listen to the Soundtrack on Spotify: http://tinyurl.com/cgerk2q

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