Archive | March 2009


So who could possibly forget the San Francisco Real World season. It’s where reality TV really stood up on its feet and showed that it could be about something — humanizing a social issue and confronting it head on.

 MTV and LOGO are premiering a narrative feature based upon the series and the life of Pedro Zamora, the HIV-positive man who was “picked to live in a house” and have cameras follow him around everywhere as he fought valiantly but eventually succombed to the disease.

 Ads for the film look a bit Lifetime movie of the Weekish — but I’m encouraged by the fact that Dustin Lance Black, who just recent won an Academy Award for MILK, wrote the screenplay.

 Here’s some more information. The movie premieres tomorrow at 8PM:

American Idiot

“Spring Awakening” director Michael Mayer will be helming a musical version of the 2004 Green Day album AMERICAN IDIOT. Mayer co-wrote the book with Green Day frontman Billie Joe Armstrong and the show will open the Berkeley Rep’s 2009-2010 season.

Girl in a Coma

Digging this tune, love the song’s bridge especially: [Girl In A Coma – “Their Cell”]

Lily Allen – The Fear

Not only do I love this song but now you can play along to the Donkey Kong-esque “Escape the Fear” game!

Afghan “Idol”

This is even happening in Afghanistan. The Guardian UK reported that the show has become incredibly popular despite, or perhaps because, the contestants were in many cases risking their lives to take part (one woman especially because of some tame dancing which were considered an affront to Islamic law). One season’s tumultous progress was followed by a British Film Crew who which turned into the film Afghan Star — now making the festival circuit rounds. A fascinating culture clash.

Here’s an article. If you scroll to the bottom you’ll see a very intersting clip from the film:


There’s a ridulously good promotion running on Amazon for a bunch of Motown classics for only $1.99. Well worth snatching up I’d say if this is under represented on your iPod (Let’s pretend the Boyz II Men song isn’t on there). Go get it!

Blender Magazine to Shutter


This makes me very, very sad as BLENDER is my favorite music magazine by far. Excellent reviews, unique/snarky editorial voice, and the great ‘what to download’ now feature. Announcement was made today that the April issue will be its last. 😦
Expect my music recommendations to be less insightful now that this gem is gone.


Blender Magazine to Shutter


This makes me very, very sad as BLENDER is my favorite music magazine by far. Excellent reviews, unique/snarky editorial voice, and the great ‘what to download’ now feature. Announcement was made today that the April issue will be its last. 😦
Expect my music recommendations to be less insightful now that this gem is gone.


Fag Hag

Not sure how I feel about this…. it’s the B-Side for Lily Allen’s (excellent) single “The Fear”.  [Lily Allen – “Fag Hag”]

Prince at Target


So I’ve had to pre-order the 3-CD package that Prince is selling exclusively at Target (since the only Target in the vicinity is buried somewhere in Brooklyn).
Even tho his output has been notoriously spotty, I’m hopeful. The package includes 3 CDs: LotuwFlow3r (acoustic/guitar based), MPLSound (electro-funk tinged) and Elixir, an album from his latest protege, Bria Valente. Who looks: exactly like all of his other proteges.
I haven’t loved his 00’s work so much, with only the overlooked “3121” really setting my heart aflame (the title track is probably my favorite thing he’s done recently and “Black Sweat” out-Pharelled Pharell). Fingers are crossed.