Archive | September 2009


Pretty wicked rocker, and I hear they’re great live….

  Beast “Mr. Hurricane”

Mad Men


I think it’s because I missed the first season of this show that I am always convinced that I’m somehow missing the nuance in the performances . All the pregnant pauses throw me off, giving Mad Men a surreal, somewhat sterile rhythm all its own. Not surprisingly, it turns out that this is all quite by design. Check out this interesting Variety story:
‘Mad Men’ cutters cue subtle moments
‘Aftershocks’ display show is really about women

La Roux – Free on iTunes

This Mercury-prize nominated duo had one of my favorite songs of the summer, “Bulletproof.”
I’ve just heard the new album, which comes out in the US tomorrow, and am totally in love. Like my favorite album from earlier this year, Ladyhawke, it’s a very 80s influenced outing, chock full of hooks that you can still make out over the din of all the synthesizers.
And now the track is free on iTunes so go check it out!
Here’s the video for those who don’t know the song yet.



All good on the umbillical hernia front!!



I was pretty disappointed by the VMA MJ tribute — Janet included.
But lo and behold, Miss J is now streaming a new track on her website. Princely guitar/slightly manic, annoying production.
Still worth a listen:

Gary Go is Free


Amazon is serving the ol’ hook up for this new track from Britster Gary Go.
Gary Go – “Walking on a Dream”

hands in the air

I’m digging the single (“Manos Al Aire”) from Nelly Furtado’s new Spanish-Language album (Mi Plan).

Album was released today and Amazon is running a nifty promo for the album…$2.99. So feel free to scoop it up:

Saint Gaga?

It’s no surprise that I’ve been wearing out my tivo by replaying Gaga’s Grand Guignol VMA spectacle. [Sadly, the album version of “paparazzi” doesn’t have the string-drenched acapella chorus that we saw on Sunday]. Also, everyone get prepped for a “Monstrous” relaunch of The Fame in November (a la Rihanna ‘Reloaded’). Surely her VMA performance was a precursor.

  Here’s another mournful take on one of her club hits….courtesy of Steven. Thanks Sbkr!


Sam Roberts

Canadian rocker Sam Roberts hasn’t had much success stateside but he’s much beloved in his “homeland” and his album, We Were Born In A Flame, is probably one of my favorite rock records. After an EP  became the top Indie release in Canada, this was his first full length record and it’s packed with hooks galore and covers all sorts of emotional and musical territory. There have been two subsequent albums, equally successful in Canada, that haven’t quite captured WWBIAF’s magic for me. And I encourage folks

  The track below goes out to some good friends — recently returned from India — and is appropriately sweeping and majestic.

  [Note: there’s some weirdness if you want to buy the album on iTunes….but amazonmp3 is normal]



Madonna: a classy/smart speech. MJ tribute: a recreation of videos and a lipsyncing janet? Dissapointing. Kanye: classless. But kinda true. Gaga: ridiculous/Over the top. Brilliant but dangerously close to the shark. Props for dedicating her award to God and gays. Even more props for her bloody “death” during her performance. Demerits for her later red veils and birdsnest headpeices. Muse: surprisingly into it. I say, “crossover smash”!
Pink: on a trapeze? Wow/impressive. Plus- vocals sounded live!
Beyonce: superclassy. Taylor: yawn/maybe you should thank Beyonce?
JayZ/Alicia – her voice was straining. And who was that girl that crashed the stage at the end? Was that Lil Mama? Strange. Still the most exciting VMAs in ages. Definitely better to have it on a nyc stage than a soundstage in LA. But who votes for these things? Must be mtv execs looking to spread around the wealth. You can lose Female Video and still win Video of the Year? Weird. After the show I feel compelled to rush out to see the new Twilight movie, buy a new LG phone, and have my private doctor hook me up with a propofol drip.