Paglia takes on a post-sexual revolution Gaga

This is interesting. Famed social critic Camille Paglia, who wrote extensively and often in defense of madonna in the 90s, is on a bit of a warpath against Lady Gaga in a recent London Sunday Times article.

i don’t necessarily disagree with some of her critique. but i think her hostility at a disasociated and texting nation is misplaced on gaga’s success. A little backlash is inevitable. Interesting that it’s coming from the intellegencia – maybe the feeling is that she’s getting a bit of a free ride. And acting (and getting credit for being) smarter than she really is. That said, she’s at least TRYING. Compare gaga to her predecessors of the 00s (britney, christina, etc), and i think she’s obviously a sum positive. Relax, Camille.

Read the article here:

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One response to “Paglia takes on a post-sexual revolution Gaga”

  1. Anonymous says :

    this is quintessential paglia to me. she’s the academic girl who cries wolf; she’s the literary ann coulter. what does she actually believe? who knows, and who cares. i’m so tired of people who take the piss out just for taking the piss out’s sake; it’s just boring. and it’s fraudulent, to the extent that it devalues the idea of pleasure, and therefore life, as linguistic exercise. relax camille, indeed. better yet–shut up.

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