Archive | September 2012

George Michael Shoots the Dog

This 2004 track from GM was basically the 2nd single from his comeback album Patience (though it preceded the album release) but it was unceremoniously dumped from the US version. The song’s video proved incredibly controversial, inciting a lot of nasty press and raised eyebrows overseas and incurred the wrath of the New York Post even though it was never officially released here.

Can you believe 2004 was 8 years ago? Remembering all that was going on politically, it’s not hard to imagine what a little firestorm this created. (And tellingly, it was the only main single to not hit the top 10 in his native Britain, just missing it at #12).

Crudely animated, its a sharp indictment of the cozy Iraq War and the cozy Bush/Blair relationship. It’s also pretty funny and you have to appreciate GM’s sense of humor as he looks just as ridiculous as those he’s eviscerating.

I’ve always had a hard time finding it on youtube and considering its one of those songs that I always go back to, I thought it was worth highlighting.

And if you were somehow unclear about George’s political leanings – holy mackerel – check out the end of the 2nd clip which shows him performing the song in concert. Pretty damn gutsy.

Hellloooo, Balloons!

“Shoot The Dog”

“Shoot The Dog” Live


dragonette returns

I really fell in love with Dragonette’s previous record Fixin’ To Thrill and since that album came on the scene nearly 3 years ago, Dragonette has had some high profile collaborations with Martin Solvieg, including the ubiquitious single “Hello.”

  Their new album Body Parts comes out at the end of September. Two songs have already been previewed from the album, the uber-bouncy “Let It Go” and “Live In This City”. But I think I’m digging this track….

  Dragonette – “Rocket Ship”

  which reminds me a bit of my favorite track of theirs, “Easy”