Tag Archive | Flight of the Conchords

Mad Men + Filght of the Conchords + The National

What in the world is going on here? Your guess is as good as mine…but major props for using Mad Men’s John Slattery and Flight of the Conchords Kristen Schaal.

  And on a completely unrelated note, did everyone see that FotC’s BrettMcKensie was just cast in Peter Jackson’s The Hobbit. Short + New Zealand = natural fit.

  The National – “Conversation 16”

Drag Race

Seriously, this could be the best reality TV show ever.
Who will be the reigning drag diva? “Supermodel” RuPaul out-Tyras Tyra and is definitely the most interesting host of a show of this ilk. Plus the judge’s panel is surprisingly heavy hitting: Bob Mackie, Santino! And when things get serious, the ladies have to…”Lip Sync for Their Lives”…. It’s not to be missed. The show’s on Logo – or you can stream episodes at the link below:  http://www.logoonline.com/shows/dyn/rupauls_drag_race/videos.jhtml

Here’s a handy list of link highlights to get you started…ESPECIALLY if you don’t have LOGO.

episode 1 preview (photo shoot challenge)

episode 3 preview (Oprah Challenge)
Also, did anyone else notice that last week’s Flight of the Conchords episode was directed by none other than frenchie video auteur and Eternal Sunshine wiz, Michel Gondry? Props to the NewZealanders for getting all artsy on us….