Tag Archive | Gaga

Gaga EMAs

Another theatrical dose from Gaga from last night’s MTV European Music Awards.
Wish I liked the song more but dare I say that the backing vocals at the end have been beefed up from the album version which doesn’t hurt.


Gaga Beth Disco

After a leak, Gaga’s “Judas” was rush released today and there’s indication that it could chart high on the strength of just a few days’ sales. I really wasn’t feeling this at first listen though I’m hoping it grows on me. (I think the “Bad Romance”-ish vocal stuttering, a trademark at this point I suppose, grates.)

In other news, a track from Beth Ditto’s dance-y EP (a collaboration with Simian Mobile Disco) is up for free on iTunes: http://itunes.apple.com/us/album/i-wrote-the-book/id431737258

Speaking of SMD, here’s one of my favorite tracks from their 2010 album, Temporary Pleasures:”Cream Dream”

Gaga’s Country version of Born This Way

I’d say it works!

Lady Gaga – “Born This Way” (Country Road Version)

Gaga’s Born This Way

I was hoping Gaga’s new song would be a cover of this 70s disco tune, the world’s gayest song.

Carl Bean – “Born This Way”

Instead it turns out to basically be a cover of Madonna’s 80s anthem “Express Yourself.” Which I’m also totally fine with. According to Perez, it’s already #1 on iTunes. So go pick it up now. Or listen to it on VEVO here.

VMAs-Gaga, Flo, Taylor, Linkin Park

Compared to the fireworks of last year, this year’s VMAs were a bit of a snooze. 

As for my favorite performances, I thought Usher gave quite the show, and Florence’s “Dog Days Are Over” was a definite highlight. A great way to launch her to a broader US audience. Can’t find a clip that hasn’t been blocked…will look more later.

Otherwise, Chelsea Handler was typically funny. But ENOUGH with the Jersey Shore promos! On the Taylor/Kanye front, Taylor’s song was surprisingly decent…but good Lord, does she really take herself that seriously? Yawn. (Can’t dog her look though…very Madonna “Live To Tell”). And Kanye’s bad behavior of last year was…rewarded with the plumb closing slot? Didn’t mind the song though. Which seemed to be a toast to….himself. I think sadly, the biggest surprise of the show for me was that I may actually like a Linkin Park song. Performing at LA’s Griffith Observatory was a nice touch. Rather mid-90s techno, no?

Gaga seemed to really be pushing for some humanity and sincerity. Being accompanied by soldiers discharged by the US military’s “Don’t Ask Don’t Tell” policy was a nice touch. Not sure about the meat dress.

Great to see Cher again! She looks so…well-preserved. (This Burlesque movie looks like SUCH a rip-off of Chicago though.)

She also announced that her new album would be called Born This Way. She performed a snippet of the new track…but for a second I was hoping it was a reference to this under-appreciated gay anthem from the Mid-70s. Now THAT would have been fun.

Carl Bean – “I Was Born This Way” http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oDiRSv2wFi4

Paglia takes on a post-sexual revolution Gaga

This is interesting. Famed social critic Camille Paglia, who wrote extensively and often in defense of madonna in the 90s, is on a bit of a warpath against Lady Gaga in a recent London Sunday Times article.

i don’t necessarily disagree with some of her critique. but i think her hostility at a disasociated and texting nation is misplaced on gaga’s success. A little backlash is inevitable. Interesting that it’s coming from the intellegencia – maybe the feeling is that she’s getting a bit of a free ride. And acting (and getting credit for being) smarter than she really is. That said, she’s at least TRYING. Compare gaga to her predecessors of the 00s (britney, christina, etc), and i think she’s obviously a sum positive. Relax, Camille.

Read the article here: http://www.thesundaytimes.co.uk/sto/public/magazine/article389697.ece


Such an obvious combo it makes my brain hurt.
A natural fit…


Punk Gaga

So reports of Gaga’s performance at Lollapalooza have been a little up and down. But check out this shocker , during Semi-Precious Weapons’ afternoon set, the gagster joined the band, grinded with the lead singer, and then took a stage dive into the crowd.



You can see the whole story at billboard.com here.

And here’s a saucy little youtube clip:

Pretty intense. You go, Gaga!

Punk Gaga

So reports of Gaga’s performance at Lollapalooza have been a little up and down. But check out this shocker , during Semi-Precious Weapons’ afternoon set, the gagster joined the band, grinded with the lead singer, and then took a stage dive into the crowd.



You can see the whole story at billboard.com here.

And here’s a saucy little youtube clip:

Pretty intense. You go, Gaga!