Tag Archive | Hunting Season

SSION at Santos


An epic show, as expected. Delightfully delirious crowd.

 I really love this band — They make perfectly crafted pop songs but with this disconcerting layer of grime on top. And there’s something a little punk and intimidating about the lead singer. It’s all a really fascinating combo. And for the finale, Cody crowd surfed into the audience as audience members lept upon stage to have their moment in the sun.

 I would LOVE to know what the song was that they played about halfway through the set…… very Marilyn Manson, heavy guitars, and had the “C U In Hell” line….if anyone knows…lemme know!

 Here’s another track from their new album that, incidentally, is also featured on HUNTING SEASON.


 SSION – “Psy-Chic”



Hunting Season series


For many this will be more of a wrap-up of the last week’s activities but the web series which I music supervised – HUNTING SEASON – premiered on logotv.com last week and I couldn’t be more excited. 

 You can see the full video content on the Hunting Season website and be sure to visit the the MUSIC page to listen/buy the tracks featured in the soundtrack. Scroll down to the bottom of the page to see me wax poetic about the process!

 Figured I may as well do a bit of a wrap-up of some of the tracks we’ve been highlighting on FB, twitter, etc.  

Lindbergh Palace—Days Don’t Fade

HUNTING SEASON kicks off with “Days Don’t Fade,” a dynamite sun-kissed track from Brooklyn-based Lindbergh Palace. Pop perfection that sounds like endless possibility. .


Breanne Duren—Goldmine

Impossibly catchy and endearingly earnest, “Gold Mine” is perky, flirty, finger-snapping goodness. The perfect amount of vocal sass from Breanne Duren gives the song its sultry edge. Love the video too!

Allen Stone—Say So

Fellow Seattle-ite expectations and brings a laid-back freshness to his confident spin on classic soul.


Meital Dohan—Yummy Boyz

Can’t help but love this hook-y little piece of ridiculousness— a steamy ode to sexy boys.


CrazySexyandCoolasHell,“Earthquake” is a rafter-shaking track from soundtrack MVP, Ssion. The totally out-there head scratcher of a video is further proof of their slack-jaw inducing awesomeness.


Narcisse f/AVAN LAVA—Moonsex Cassette

Sparkly and otherworldy, “Moonsex Cassette” is an intoxicatingly hypnotic  track from Fischerspooner cohorts Narcisse, with an assist from one of our favorite new bands, AVAN LAVA.


 More wrap-ups to come later but this should get you started if you haven’t already.

Lindbergh Palace takes us to 1986

This band’s “Days Don’t Fade” has got to be one of the most played tracks I have on my iPod. Late last year, I caught one of their gigs and really fell in love with the track below which hadn’t yet been released at the time. Well now the wait is over and it’s out in the world and available for public consumption.

  I really love this band —  and I’m thrilled to have them featured in an upcoming web series that I put the music together for called HUNTING SEASON….but more on that later.

  Lindbergh Palace -“1986”

Mynabirds want you to call them General

The Mynabirds are back with a power-packed album that’s much more aggressive and rock oriented then their sweetly vintage last album.

  Laura Burhenn’s vocals are punchy and purposeful and they still somehow sound like they were blasted in from another era.

  The Mynabirds – “Generals”


AKA JK is a DC-based DJ/producer that’s repped by the ever cool Throne of Blood label. And this synth-reverent track is a true winner — with the original version probably being my favorite. The Mugwump mix gives it a slightly sunnier spin – and I enjoy the Shit Robot version as well. 

 AKA JK – “2600 2600”

quaking with SSION

This SSION song somehow manages to sound sort of derivitave and totally forward thinking at the same time. Pop with a twist and I absolutely love it! Video remains mildly terrifying

  SSION – “Earthquake”