Tag Archive | spotify

Kitchen Radio Episode 2 Available Now!

The second episode of Kitchen radio is now ready for your listening pleasure! Jenn and I had such a blast doing it the first time we just had to do it again. And in honor of the season, this show’s summer-themed and a veritable hot mess of sizzling tunes. Take the time to check it out and let us know what you think of our ramblings and selections! Be sure to like our page on Facebook too: Kitchen Radio NYC.

You can listen to the show by clicking here.

And check out the accompanying Spotify playlists which features the songs played on the show, along with some other song’s we refer to during the show. Click on my name within Spotify to poke around this and all my other playlists.

Enjoy! Like/Share/Comment/Let us know what you think.

Late July Spotify Playlist

It’s time for another Spotify playlist, this one called “Elevate” after the excellent new St. Lucia song (which has a scatty fake synth horn bouncing around its ending like something out of Rod Stewart’s “Love Touch.”) Here’s that video to get you started.

And here’s the new Spotify playlist….follow/like/share accordingly. 🙂

JULY 13 – Elevate

Kitchen Radio Launches!

So the AMAZING Lady P (Jenn Pennington) and I have tried our hands at a new lil’ radio show that you can check out on now on SoundCloud. 

We met years ago in Seattle and quickly bonded over our love for music – before rekindling our friendship back in NYC. In honor of Pride month, our first show focuses on the role music played in our coming out experiences and how it helped shape our identities and informed our relationships. And who doesn’t like a thoughtful discussion on what constitute a gay anthem! I promise a fun trip down a musical memory lane, along with some new tracks you’ve hopefully never heard before.

We recorded it on a Saturday afternoon in Jenn’s West Village kitchen (right before Pride weekend) over a bottle of rose — doesn’t get gayer than that folks!

The show’s a work in progress but expect more episodes in the future. We’d love to hear what you think. 

You can listen to the show here.

And check out the first episode accompanying Spotify playlist! (of course)

Underrated 80s

I can’t be stopped with these Spotify playlists.

Here’s another new one. All 80s. All the time. All not as appreciated as they should be. No judgements!

UNDERRATED 80s-Summer edition

Posterous Kaput WordPress Lives Spotify Forever

Posterous was snatched up by twitter and then unceremoniously dumped and your dear ol’ swizzlestick blog was caught in the crossfire.

Never fear, Swizzlstick lives on (now without the ‘e’) on wordpress. I’ve been putting off getting acquainted with the site but I’m ready to start dipping my toes into the new platform waters.

So I need to play a little catch up. But in the interim – I’ve gone Spotify Crazy!! Follow me on the site and then Follow my playlists to take them around with you, you lucky devil.





Spotify Playlist – AUTUMN RISES

So we’re at the beginning of fall which seems a great time for a new playlist.

 Lots of good stuff on here. Loving Yeasayer’s “Blue Paper.”I think the combo of Sebastien and Hot Chocolate is oddly perfect. Digging a new remix of Ellie Goulding’s fab “Anything Could Happen,” along with another Imagine Dragons remix. Plus goodies from Miguel, Charli XCX, The Glass, and older favorites from Duran Duran and Olive.  And there’s Juliette Lewis too!

 Check it out and subscribe if you’re into it:

Yeah, Spotify!


So I’ve gone Spotify crazy…..you can make playlists. And share them!

 Here are a couple recent ones. Be sure to subscribe on the site if you like.

 Click below for the HUNTING SEASON Soundtrack:

 And here’s a new mix of September-ish dance tunes called CITY BOY/HIPSTER GIRL:

 I have some older playlists up there, that I forgot I ever posted. So check ’em out if you get the chance.