Tag Archive | SYTYCD

charlotte’s Veins: SYTYCD face-off

SoYouThinkYouCanDance is usually good for an off-kilter routine set to some song I’ve never heard of.

This track by Charlotte Martin reminds me a lot of Mirah’s “The Garden” from a few seasons ago and was my first SYTYCD music purchase of the season. At turns spooky and sweet, tiny then expansive. It hits a lot of emotional notes in a short period of time.

Charlotte Martin – “Veins”

Doesn’t hurt that i’m kind of in love with the dance as well.

But wait, what’s this? It was apparently done on the Canadian version of SYTYCD, and frankly – way better. O, Canada!

Alan may be way dreamier but I guess our Northern neighbors come by their royal heritage much more easily. O Canada!